A lot of great points here Mike, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve put off a task and built it up as some big undertaking only for me to complete fairly easily in a fraction of the time I’ve been letting it annoy myself for not doing it!

If you’ve never read Atomic Habits I highly recommend it definitely coincides with the one step at a time and will give you some new insights into becoming more efficient with your time! You may even have time to mow your yard with the time you could save 😉

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Another great read Mike. For me personally, meditation is the crucial step each day that will lead to the positive momentum needed for those tough days. I also agree that it starts the night before with a proper sleep routine to optimize rest/recharge. Great stuff, looking forward to the next one.

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Regarding the text in the "DailyStoic" account you linked to...my therapist once gave me some good, simple advice for coping with POTENTIAL complications in my day or week. She told me to ask myself, "but is [this] happening now?" There's only so much we can deal with at any given moment with our full attention. Don't fret about what's to come but (forgive another hackneyed expression...) cross that bridge if/when you come to it.

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